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Students will analyze data to explain the relationship between economic freedom and economic growth in transition economies.

Play some quidditch, take a walk through Diagon Alley, give a task to your house-elf, or make a Hogwarts hallway. Includes several other games and activities based on the Harry Potter movies.

Students investigate math in the real world using Web search methods to locate career fields of interest. After selecting an occupation, students draft brief paragraphs that reflect insight as to why...
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What Is Peace? Book
Peace is something we all want more of in our lives yet the way in which we experience peace is unique and individual. This book is a labor of love that human rights activist/Former Miss World USA… See More$17.45

Students practice manipulating and drawing shapes to demonstrate the concept of flips, slides and turns. This lesson is especially beneficial to tactile and visual learners.

Race across Mongolia's windswept plain by answering a series of questions that test your knowledge about Mongolian horse racing and culture.
Factory Workers in the British Industrial Revolution
Subject: Social Studies
Languages: English
Countries: United States

British Industrial Revolution
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Bullying 101 DVD
Bullying doesn't stop at the grade school playground. Middle school students can be targets and perpetrators of verbal, emotional, and physical bullying as well. This important new video explores… See More$186.25
SALE! $148.00
Proper Nouns
Subject: Language Arts (reading, writing, literature) , Digital Audio
Languages: English
Countries: United States

Nouns - People and Places
Clothing, Accessory and General Merchandise Stores Career Guide
Languages: English
Countries: United States

Research occupations in the industry, the nature of the industry, working conditions, employment, training and advancement, earnings and benefits, employment outlook and organizations that can...
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From Defiance To Cooperation
In this book, you'll learn how to deal with a disobedient child or teenager who is difficult to handle. If your child has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), or is constantly… See More$13.95

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